5 Ways to Save Money Without Skipping Medications

The cost of medicines in the U.S. has long caused frustration and, worse, presented financial barriers for some consumers. As a result, many who need medication the most begin to skip on getting their vital mediation to save money. Because drug cost is not regulated, and while that continues to be a contentiously debated issue for lawmakers, insurers, and the pharmaceutical industry, it’s unclear what, if anything, all that arguing will change. However, even with the current systems in place, there are several strategies consumers can use to save money without skipping their much needed prescriptions. Here are some ways:

 How To Save on Medicines

  • Call your health insurance company to find out which medications are covered at the lowest cost to you. Ask your doctor to prescribe them if possible.
  • Compare pharmacies for the least expensive prescription prices. Your neighborhood drug store may not have the lowest.
  • Look into pharmacy discounts to save on prescriptions. Search online or ask your pharmacist or doctor.
  • Let your healthcare team know if you’re having trouble paying for your medicine. They may know of programs or coupons that can help cut costs.

 How To Save on Essentials 

  • Shop around, compare prices, and use rewards programs.
  • Buy supplies online and consider buying in bulk, which can be less expensive than buying as needed.
  • Ask your doctor or educator for samples, especially if you’re trying a new product.

 How To Save on Treatment

  • Stay in your insurance provider’s network to keep the cost of doctor appointments as low as possible.
  • Consider being a part of a research study that may provide free care or supplies. 

 How To Save on Healthy Eating

  • Plan meals ahead, buy the ingredients you need, and cook your food. 
  • Bring lunch to work instead of buying it.
  • Use coupons and rewards cards.
  • Buy food in bulk, and buy generic instead of higher-priced brands.

 Consider a Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

  • FSAs are an option for people who have health insurance through their employer, allowing employees to contribute money from their paychecks to a savings account before taxes. 
  • The advantage of an FSA is that saving money pre-tax reduces your taxable income and gives you more to spend on health expenses.
  • FSAs are limited to $2,700 a year per employer, can apply to spouses and dependents, and can be used to pay for deductibles and co-payments but not insurance premiums.

There are many ways you can save money without sacrificing your needed medications. Be sure to speak with your doctor to learn about organizations and programs who are able to assist in these situations. You will be surprise of organizations and programs that maybe in your local area when you ask for help. 

 Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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