Setting Diabetic-Friendly New Year’s Resolutions

Did you set your diabetic-friendly New Year's resolutions? Or do you think it's just another meaningless task that's going to bring unnecessary stress into your life?

We're here to tell you it's not another annoying little task that's going to complicate your life. It's actually an excellent way to help you reach your diabetes management goals.

Instead of thinking of resolutions as something negative, think of them as a roadmap to creating healthy habits for diabetics. They provide a clear direction and motivation to make positive changes in your lifestyle.

So, let's ditch the "silly" label and embrace the power of resolutions. Below we share some healthy habits for diabetics that will transform your resolutions into reality

Why Should Your New Year’s Resolution Include Diabetes Management Goals?

One reason is that diabetics are more likely to suffer from some form of heart disease. Research suggests that diabetics are 1.5 to 2 times more likely to have a stroke than those who are not diabetic. Also, the risk is higher for those who have type 2 diabetes.

The risk is higher for you due to several factors:

  • Damaged blood vessels

  • High blood pressure

  • High cholesterol

  • Obesity

Research also indicates that up to 50% of people with diabetes may develop neuropathy during their lifetime. Having diabetes management goals can help prevent it from developing or worsening.

Are you suffering from diabetic neuropathy? It’s a complex condition to manage by yourself, especially if you don’t know much about it. Visit our ask the doctor page to learn more about neuropathy and supplements that can help ease the pain of the condition.

How to Set Diabetes-Friendly New Year's Resolutions

Making a New Year's resolution isn't just about stating it—you need to take actionable steps to follow through. This is one of the main reasons most resolutions fail: there's no solid plan in place.

To help you achieve your diabetes management goals this year, we've developed a guide to ensure you stick to your resolutions.

1. Assess Your Current Health with Your Healthcare Team

Your healthcare team is your greatest ally in reaching your diabetes management goals. They understand your medical needs, review your test results, and listen to your concerns.For example, you might think your eating habits are fine, but after consulting with your dietitian, you could discover areas for improvement. 

Insights from your healthcare team can let you know what you’re doing wrong and how to improve your diabetes management. The collaboration builds your confidence to create healthy habits for diabetes that lasts for a lifetime.  

If you're feeling afraid to ask specific questions or unsure how to engage with your healthcare provider, we have some awesome tips that may help you. Read our guide on "How to Have a Great Doctor's Visit" to ensure everything goes smoothly in each appointment.

2. Tailor the Goals Toward Your Individual Needs

After speaking with your healthcare team, you’ll be able to tailor your diabetes management goals toward your individual needs. Your goals should align with whether you have type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, since each of these types has distinct management strategies.

Those with type 1 diabetes may focus more on insulin management and monitoring blood sugar levels more frequently. Your healthcare team may also want to include how factors such as food, exercise, and stress impact your blood glucose levels.

Someone with this condition could make their diabetes-friendly New Year's resolution about fine-tuning their insulin regimen or having strategies in place to help manage their unique challenges.

Type 2 diabetes individuals' goals might focus more on making healthier habits as a diabetic. For example, you may want to improve your nutrition, increase physical activity, or work on achieving a healthier weight.

Your healthcare team can guide you in understanding each of your medications, meal planning, and blood sugar monitoring. Understanding your specific needs will set you up for long-term success in diabetes management.

Did you know that chiropractors can also be a part of your healthcare team? Learn how they can help you reach your diabetes management goals here. You’ll discover their role, benefits, and how eastern practices along with western medicine can do wonders for creating healthy habits for diabetes.

3. Set SMART Diabetes Goals

Your diabetes management goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. In other words, they should follow the SMART goals framework. What’s so special about this method?

It allows you to create diabetes management goals that don't feel too overwhelming. For example, you may have a goal to lose 20 pounds by the end of February to help reach an ideal weight to better manage your condition.

This isn’t realistic at all. A SMART goal would be to lose 5 pounds over the next two months by tracking daily food intake, exercising for 30 minutes at least 5 days a week, and monitoring blood sugar levels to evaluate progress.

This approach helps break down larger objectives into actionable steps, making them more sustainable and easier to stick to.

4. Stay on Top of Your Mental Health

Have you noticed when you’re feeling down and blue that it makes it harder for you to stay on top of any of your goals? Negative thinking reduces your motivation to conquer your goals and makes you focus on self-sabotage.

Shifting your negative thoughts into positive ones helps you with the following:

  • Focus and motivation

  • Reducing stress

  • Becoming better at problem-solving

  • Avoiding burnout

Also, having a good mindset allows you to be more self-aware in the type of goals you're setting. You can consider it mindful goal-setting, as it aligns your capabilities and needs and avoids unrealistic expectations that could lead to frustration.

Conquer Your Diabetes Management Goals This Year with Us

Setting diabetes-friendly New Year's resolutions is the easy part. But staying on top of them is not, unless you have the right resources by your side. Why not let BenfoComplete be a part of your diabetes management goals?

Start by visiting our product catalog to view Benfotiamine supplements, BenfoCreme, and more. Our website is full of tools and resources that will help you create healthy habits for diabetics that’ll stick for a lifetime.

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