Will I Always Need Insulin as a Diabetic?
In 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 5.7% of adults aged 20 and older take insulin to manage diabetes. You may be surprised to find out that not all people with diabetes need insulin to help manage their condition.
Sometimes it may take a person six to seven years before they even need insulin after being diagnosed with diabetes. Depending on the type of diabetes you have, you may need insulin right after finding out about the condition.
We know it can be a bit confusing learning about new medications you must take. This is why we’re breaking down who may always need to take insulin and who may not. We also provided a nice FAQ section at the very end in case you have any more questions on using insulin.
Understanding the Different Types of Diabetes and Insulin
Remember how we said that, depending on the type of diabetes you have, you may always need insulin? Well, for those with type 1 diabetes, you will be required to use insulin. In this section, we will break down why and if those with type 2 diabetes will ever require insulin.
Type 1 Diabetes: Insulin is Essential
The key difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes is that type 1 diabetes is more of an autoimmune condition. Those with type 1 diabetes’s immune system tends to make the mistake of attacking and destroying the beta cells in the pancreas.
The beta cells are responsible for producing and maintaining insulin, and the result of an autoimmune attack messes with the natural insulin production within the body. After a while, glucose builds up in the bloodstream, causing high blood sugar levels.
This is why it’s essential for those with type 1 diabetes to use insulin. It’s a life-sustaining medication to keep the body in check in insulin production.
Type 2 Diabetes: More of a Nuanced Picture
Regarding Type 2 Diabetes and insulin, it’s a bit more complex to determine whether a person will need it or not. With Type 1 diabetes, there’s a lack of insulin that requires a person to need the medication, but with type 2, the need for the medication comes from a combination of insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency.
Insulin resistance is when the body stops responding properly to the insulin it’s producing. It's like the cells have become less sensitive to insulin's "key" that unlocks them to allow glucose in.
Over time, the pancreas may decide it needs to produce more insulin to help with energy levels. However, due to the cells becoming less sensitive, the body does not produce enough insulin to overcome the resistance.
The percentage of type 2 diabetics who take insulin is between 25%. Usually, the need for insulin is when the condition has progressed, and a more intensive approach is required to protect an individual’s health.
Factors Influencing the Need for Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes
Understanding if you need insulin as a type 2 diabetic is more complicated, as many factors play into the determination of it. These include:
Duration of the condition
Blood sugar levels before and after meals
Lifestyle modifications
Other health conditions
Medication effectiveness
It’s important to remember that everyone’s type 2 diabetes journey is different. Even genetics plays a role in whether or not a person will need insulin as a type 2 diabetic.
What If You Do Need Insulin?
If your doctor believes it’s best for you to start taking insulin, don’t feel as though you’ve failed at managing your condition. Sometimes you can do everything right, and your body will still have a mind of its own.
It is a natural progression of the condition, and your body just needs more support in managing it. Insulin is a tool that can help you achieve better blood sugar control.
What’s even better about using insulin today is the different options, delivery methods, and other smart diabetes technology you can use along with it. If you need help with reminders on when it’s time to take your insulin or other medications, a smart wearable glucose testing device can help.
Insulin FAQ
Still have questions about insulin? Below are some of the most common inquiries about this medication.
What Blood Sugar Level Requires Insulin?
The blood sugar levels that usually suggest insulin use are when two separate tests show levels at or above 126 mg/dL before eating and at or above 200 mg/dL after a meal. It will also depend on other factors such as having A1C levels at or above 6.5%, age, body weight, activity levels, and medical history. Again, this is for those with type 2 diabetes; those with type 1 diabetes will require insulin once diagnosed with the condition.
At What Point Do You Need Insulin for Type 2 Diabetes?
Remember, everyone's type 2 diabetes journey is different, and the need for insulin will depend on numerous factors, as described above. There’s no magical number that will automatically trigger you to need insulin. Work with your healthcare provider to know when you will need it as a type 2 diabetic.
What Happens if a Type 2 Diabetic Stops Taking Insulin?
If you were to stop taking insulin as a type 2 diabetic, then you risk suffering from serious health complications. This includes hyperglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), neuropathy, and heart disease.
When your doctor prescribes insulin to you, it means they see the current methods aren’t working and your body needs more help. It means the medication is working, which is why you’re feeling better.
Is Insulin Harmful and What Are the Side Effects of Insulin Injection?
Insulin isn’t harmful when used correctly. However, there can be side effects of the medication, including:
Low blood sugar levels
Weight gain
Injection site reactions
These potential side effects of insulin injection are mild compared to having uncontrolled high blood sugar levels. Tell your doctor if you do have any of these adverse reactions, and they will work with you to address them.
Can You Stop Insulin and Go Back to Pills?
In some cases, it is possible to stop insulin and go back to using other medications. However, this is only when a healthcare provider agrees to this. It often happens when type 2 diabetes was diagnosed early and there’s still good production from the pancreas.
Other reasons may include significant lifestyle changes such as weight loss surgery, addressing glucose toxicity, introduction of new medication, and if the insulin use was only supposed to be temporary.
Should I Take My Insulin if My Blood Sugar Is Normal?
Generally, no, you should not take insulin if your blood sugar level is normal. This is because insulin is to help lower blood sugar levels, and if it’s already normal, you may risk developing hypoglycemia. However, unless your doctor recommends you still do, then follow their instructions.
Will a Diabetic Always Need Insulin?
It will depend on the type of diabetes you have to know if you will always need insulin. People with type 1 diabetes will always need insulin because their body lacks the ability to produce its own insulin.
Type 2 diabetes will depend on factors such as duration, blood sugar levels, lifestyle, current health conditions, and other medication effectiveness. It’s best to work along with your doctor to know when to start or stop the use of insulin.