How Can Diabetics Prepare For Fall Holiday Meal Gathering Season?

SEO title: Diabetic Diet Guide: Preparing Healthy Holiday Meals for Fall Gatherings

Meta Description: Type 2 diabetes and diet don’t go very well during the holiday seasons. Learn how to prepare yourself for gatherings while managing blood sugar levels.

The holiday season is a speccial time of the year that’s full of family gatherings. It’s also when you get to eat until your stomach bursts with culinary joy. 

Yummy treats are everywhere, tempting you to forget about your diabetic diet. However, too much of it will spike up your blood sugar levels. 

How can you enjoy some holiday delights without risking your health? 

Keep reading on how you can prepare yourself for the holiday season. You’ll learn how to avoid the threatening foods and enjoy a healthy holiday meal that’ll bring joy to your health. 

Choose Healthy Options

It’s no secret that Americans love to eat unhealthy foods, especially during the holidays. The American Heart Association reports that adults consume 22 teaspoons of “added” sugar daily.

People are eating two to three times more than what they’re supposed to. Guidelines recommended for men to consume nine teaspoons per day and six teaspoons for women. 

Now, think about how much more sugar you eat in one sitting during a holiday meal. 

Candy, pies, cakes, ham and macaroni and cheese are stables in a Thanksgiving meal. Let’s not talk about the added sugars within a Christmas dinner either. 

These are foods to avoid with diabetes.  However, it’s hard to do when it’s right in your face. 

Hopefully, the host will think ahead and provide healthy holiday food options without you asking. Of course, there's a high possibility that this won't happen. 

You may have discussed with the host of the foods you can and can not have. This will allow you to easily find healthy options at a holiday party without stressing what you can’t have. 


There may be times when you’re invited to a gathering on short notice and may not have the time to discuss with the host your list of diabetic foods.

So, what should you do? Bring Your Own Food (BYOF)! 

Try to do a little planning on your diabetic meal, so you’re not stuck on the sidelines watching everyone else indulge in holiday bliss.

Depending on how long you’re going to be there, consider bringing snacks as well. If you need help read our guide on navigating Christmas celebrations here. You’ll learn how to still enjoy the festive feast without ruining your health. 

Monitor Your Blood Sugar Levels

Sugar and carbohydrates are high in holiday meals, which is why it puts your health at risk. With so many goodies everywhere, temptation will swift through you like a thief in the night.

It's going to be hard not to risk your diabetic diet and indulge in some of the treats. No judging here!

If you do decide to eat the foods that diabetics can't have, at least take the time to monitor your blood sugar levels. Also, it’s not only the treats that can spike up your blood sugar.

Stress, routine changes, and disrupted meal schedules can also affect your levels. Regular monitoring helps you stay aware of how the holiday changes affect your body. 

Before the holidays get here, go over your diabetes management plan to see if you need to check your blood sugar levels more often. It will help you respond quickly to the changes and make informed decisions if you start feeling unwell. 

Boost Your Vitamin B Intake

Besides your diabetic diet, you also have to worry about getting sick. During the holiday season, there’s a higher chance of you becoming sick.

This is the time everyone wants to come together for family gatherings. However, you don’t want to go home with the flu that’ll take you two weeks to recover from.

This is why it’s essential for you to stock up on your vitamin B and support your immune system! 

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Water Over Alcohol 

Besides sugary sweets, people also love to drink more during the holiday season. Why not, it’s the perfect time of the year to kick back and let your hair down for a bit.

But if you’re diabetic, you really are going to have to choose water over alcohol. We know, you don’t like the sound of this.

You must think about your health. Drinking alcohol drastically increases your risk of high blood sugar levels.

If you decide not to have water, try to choose a non-alcoholic drink or a glass of red wine. Your health will thank you for choosing these options instead of trying to be risky.

Embrace Your Diabetic Diet This Holiday Season

During the season’s festivities you may be willing to let go of your diabetic diet. But keep in mind that it’s not worth it. 

Yes you want to enjoy your time and eat good food, but you still have to care for your health. If you need more guidance on diabetes management, have a look around our website for more resources.

You can also reach out to us, and we will be happy to guide you in the right direction. Our team at BenfoComplete is here to help you and bring awareness to living a healthy, happy life while managing diabetes.