Debby Montgomery, CEO of BenfoComplete
Lou and I were married for almost 26 years and I lived his diabetic life daily - he KNEW how to limit his sugar and calorie intake yet he chose to "enjoy life on his own terms." He loved cookies and other sweets and said his sugar levels were "managed" but his yo-yo dieting over the years and his family history of poor circulation and heart disease led to his early death.
I stepped into the CEO position when Lou passed in 2010. My father, Dr. Jack Butz, and I work side by side in serving you!
As a close-knit family, we pride ourselves in warm, friendly and genuinely helpful customer service. Our goal since we started in 2003 has always remained crystal clear: let’s make life better for our customers.
So if you have currently suffer from diabetes, neuropathy, retinopathy or sciatica, or if you’re a doctor, pharmacy or health clinic searching for a USA-based Benfotiamine source, we hope to change your life with our high-grade supplements.
We were pioneers in the supplement industry and the first company to deliver Benfotiamine (a derivative of vitamin B-1/thiamine) to the US market and continue to manufacture a pharmaceutical grade supplement, in FDA inspected and approved facilities in the US, to help reduce the pain and discomfort of neuropathy, sciatica, retinopathy and associated issues.
Lou Montgomery, Founder
"I founded this company because I wanted a reliable, high-quality, low-cost source of benfotiamine for myself and others in North America. No other company was providing it here in the United States.
When I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes five years prior, I began to experience progressive symptoms of neuropathy and occasional but severe bouts of sciatica.
After starting my benfotiamine regimen, my neuropathy symptoms stopped progressing…in fact, they began reversing. The sciatica attacks stopped completely (a huge relief). Also, my blood pressure dropped some 15 points on the systolic and 10 points on the diastolic readings.
Though my results aren’t scientific and I certainly make no definitive health claims regarding this powerful supplement, they were certainly impressive results for me.
Since then, I’ve read numerous scientific studies and clinical trials that are sound enough for me to recommend benfotiamine to others, including those closest to me. If you don’t believe me, check out the clinical trials and other studies that have been conducted on"
Louis Montgomery 1953-2010.
Testimonial and Louis' "WHY!"
I have been Type II diabetic since 1998 and began developing symptoms of neuropathy in my feet in 1999, which symptoms began to spread to my hands in 2002. I also began developing painful sciatica in 2001. I began using benfotiamine in March, 2003 in response to Dr. Brownlee’s article in Nature Medicine, which I saw posted on AOL.
Being cautious of something new, I started with 200mg. per day, then moved up to 300mg. per day. In July, 2003 I moved up to 600mg. per day. Moving to 600mg. per day yielded immediate results for me. The numbness in my hands has disappeared, feeling is returning to my feet, the hypersensitivity to touch that I used to experience in my feet has moderated & I have had no sciatica attacks since July, 2003. Over the intervening years, I have increased my dosage to 1200mg. per day with good results. I find that perhaps 80% of my customers get great results at 600mg. per day, with the other 20% doing better at 900mg. per day or more.