Is Benfotiamine Beneficial For Diabetics and How Does Benfotiamine Work?
Do you know that over 29.1 million Americans are suffering from diabetes? Diabetes is one of today’s most challenging healthy afflictions, owing to its explosive growth, devasting effects on the body, and the difficulty of effectively treating the disease and its complications.
In a healthy person, the pancreas produces the hormone, insulin, which helps glucose obtained from food get into your cells to be used for energy. In the diabetic individual, the cells resist insulin and the entry of glucose into the cells and in time the overproduction of insulin damages the cell altogether and hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, ensues.
Diabetic neuropathy refers to the nerve damage caused due to diabetes. Diabetic neuropathy most often damages nerves in the legs and feet. However, it can injure nerve fibers throughout the body.
While diabetes threatens whole-body health, the eyes are particularly vulnerable to damage. Damage to small blood vessels caused by diabetes can result in retinopathy (a disease of the eye’s retina, which collects visual information) and even blindness.
Diabetic retinopathy, the most common diabetic eye disease, occurs when blood vessels in the retina change. When blood sugar levels are too high for extended periods of time, it can damage capillaries (tiny blood vessels) that supply blood to the retina. Over time, these blood vessels begin to leak fluids and fats, causing swelling.
But the good news is that there are several natural alternatives to improving diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy and Benfotiamine is one of them.
Diabetics form a large sub-group of those who could benefit from benfotiamine. Diabetes is an insidious malady. The adverse effects of high blood glucose must be addressed. The best course of action is proper diet, exercise and medication to control blood glucose levels. In addition, ensuring proper cellular nutrition with a safe dietary supplement to combat the metabolic effects of high blood glucose at the cellular level seems a prudent course of action.
Benfotiamine is believed to enhance in humans the activity of the enzyme transketolase, which converts harmful glucose metabolites at the cellular level into harmless chemicals, preventing damage, especially to the endothelial cells which line the small arteries and capillaries of the kidneys and retinas.
(This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.)
Though the body cannot use more than about 10mg. of common, water-soluble vitamin B-1 per day, benfotiamine is lipid-soluble and can safely be used at much higher levels than common vitamin B-1.
Most people get excellent results in 14-21 days time using two 150mg. capsules twice per day (two in the morning and two in the evening). Benfotiamine need not be taken with meals. Some people get better results increasing the dosage to 900mg. or 1200mg. per day after the first two weeks. The point here is that benfotiamine is safe at any reasonable daily usage level. An individual should merely find the level that produces the maximum beneficial effect without reaching a point of diminishing return beyond which the excess amount is wasted.
For the right dosage for you, consult your physician and feel free to call our expert Dr. Jack at (888) 493-8014.
Benfotiamine is found organically in roasted garlic and onions and you may think that eating roasted garlic and onions may be effective but they contain benfotiamine only in trace amount. Taking benfotiamine in supplement form is the only way of getting the higher dosages necessary for therapeutic use.
You will find benfotiamine in capsules and B- complex formulations. Doctors practicing complimentary medicines recommend benfotiamine to reduce pain and loss of sensation from diabetic neuropathy.
You can buy Benfotiamine products online. Or you can place your order over phone at (888) 493-8014.
FDA DISCLAIMER: Because benfotiamine is a dietary supplement the FDA only requires manufacturers and distributors to have credible evidence as to its safety. The FDA itself has not evaluated benfotiamine for safety or effectiveness. Benfotiamine therefore cannot be represented to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For more information on this and related topics, please follow this link to FAQ’s on
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