What Is Pre Diabetes?

Hearing you have prediabetes is a scary thing. What is prediabetes? How will it affect you, and how can you keep living healthily? Today’s blog post will cover everything you need to know about prediabetes!

Prediabetes is a condition where blood sugar is elevated, but not to a high enough level to be classified as diabetes. It’s caused by several different factors and, if left untreated can become diabetes. However, it IS reversible.

Let’s go over what causes the condition, and what it can cause, if left untreated.

What Causes Pre-Diabetes?

Prediabetes, or insulin resistance, is simply a condition wherein your blood sugar levels are higher than normal. Some potential causes of prediabetes include:

  • Your body being unable to produce insulin
  • Your cells becoming insulin resistant

Either of these conditions can lead to elevated blood sugar. This elevated blood sugar, if left unchecked, leaves you at a FAR higher risk of developing diabetes.

What Are The Symptoms of Pre-Diabetes?

One of the scariest facts about prediabetes is it usually doesn’t have ANY symptoms. Over 80% of pre diabetics are completely unaware of their condition. However, there still are some warning signs. The warning signs of prediabetes are:

  • Darkened skin, especially around the armpits, neck, and groin.
  • A sudden increase in thirst.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Increased hunger.
  • Fatigue.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Numbness.
  • A higher rate of infections and sickness.
  • Injuries healing slower than usual.
  • Sudden weight loss

Essentially, the symptoms for prediabetes are the same symptoms as type 2 diabetes. If you have recognized any of these symptoms, it’s URGENT that you go speak to your doctor. Next up, we’ll discuss some things that can put you at risk for developing prediabetes.

Pre-Diabetes Risk Factors

Prediabetes and diabetes have the same risk factors, since prediabetes will eventually develop into diabetes if it’s left untreated. The risk factors for prediabetes include:

  • Being overweight.
  • Being physically inactive.
  • Eating an unhealthy diet.
  • Having a prior family history of prediabetes or diabetes.
  • Being 45 years or older.
  • Having medical history with the disease.

Now that we’ve covered what exactly prediabetes is, as well as different symptoms and risk factors, let’s go over its treatment.

How Is Pre-Diabetes Treated?

Since prediabetes is caused by having higher than normal blood sugar levels, the main way prediabetes is treated is through lowering blood sugar. Making healthier lifestyle choices is the main treatment for prediabetes. Examples of this include:

  • Eating a healthier and more nutritious diet.
  • Being more physically active. The recommendation is getting at least 30 minutes a few days per week.
  • Losing excess weight if you’re overweight.
  • Quitting smoking if you currently smoke.
  • Taking medication to help lower your blood sugar.

Medications aren’t generally used for prediabetics. However, medication is used when blood sugar levels won’t return to normal levels through lifestyle changes.

How Is Pre-Diabetes Diagnosed?

Since prediabetes is caused by elevated blood sugar levels, the main way the disease is diagnosed is through blood sugar tests. Specifically, if your blood sugar falls within a certain range, you’ll be diagnosed. There are different tests used to diagnose prediabetes, and each has a different blood sugar range.


Prediabetes is a complicated disorder. It doesn’t generally have symptoms, but symptoms include the same symptoms of type 2 diabetes. The disease is caused by blood sugar levels being elevated, but not to the same extent as diabetes. If left untreated, prediabetes CAN develop into type 2 diabetes.

Prediabetes is a disease caused by blood sugar levels being elevated. If left untreated, the disease can ultimately develop into type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle changes and medication can help reverse the disease.


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