Specifically formulated to provide nutritional support to people who have neuropathy and who do not take additional B-vitamins.
Benfotiamine is a special type of synthetic, fat-soluble form of B1 vitamin. Benfotiamine is highly effective at increasing measurable levels of vitamin B1 in its active coenzyme form. In this form, Benfotiamine can be taken orally, allowing the right amount of vitamin B1 into your bloodstream to support your nervous system.
We offer Benfotiamine Multi-B in a gelatin capsule
120 Capsules per bottle
150 mg. of benfotiamine per capsule plus vitamins B2, B5, B6, B12 and Folic Acid.
Perfect for those NOT currently taking additional B vitamins
We recommend taking 4 capsules per day 2 in the morning/2 in the evening.
It is recommended that you use this formula for a minimum of 3 months to see the best results. Buy 3 bottles (90 day supply) and save!
Ingredients: 120 Gelatin Capsules per Bottle
Serving Size: 1 Capsule (Bovine Gelatin, kosher and halal)
I'm never leaving home without my Benfotiamine again! I ran out on a trip overseas - BIG MISTAKE. Benfotiamine relieves the numbness in both feet, hands and finger tips.
North Carolina
It has only been about 3 weeks but my life has been transformed.. the pain in my feet is virtually gone and I fully expect over the coming months to notice improvements in other areas.
I have been using Benfotiamine for symptoms of diabetic neuropathy since 2000. I am happy to report that Benfotiamine literally stopped the discomfort in my feet.
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In Loving Memory of Lou Montgomery
Because benfotiamine is a dietary supplement the FDA only requires manufacturers and distributors to have credible evidence as to its safety. The FDA itself has not evaluated benfotiamine for safety or effectiveness. Benfotiamine therefore cannot be represented to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For more information on this and related topics, please review our FAQ's on benfotiamine for more information. THE STATEMENTS MADE BY BENFOCOMPLETE HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FDA (U.S. FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION). OUR PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. BENFOTIAMINE.NET, INC. IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY OF THE STUDIES MENTIONED ON THE WEBSITE. THE TESTIMONIALS ON THIS WEBSITE ARE INDIVIDUAL CASES AND DO NOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL GET THE SAME RESULTS.
BenfoComplete.com is a website of Benfotiamine.net Inc. Copyright ™ 2025 - BenfoComplete™ is a trademark of Benfotiamine.net Inc. - All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Buy Benfotiamine Multi-b Vitamin: Best Neuropathy Support Formula